Think carefully before securing other debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
First time Buyer
Here at Walters Financial Services we have assisted many first time buyers each year in placing their feet firmly upon the first step of the property ladder. As a first time buyer you will undoubtedly have a whole host of questions which you need answered, and we are here to help. Applying for your first mortgage can be a complicated and confusing process. You will have access to our knowledge and expertise of not only first time buyer mortgages but be on hand to help you ascertain the level of borrowing you can afford based upon your current income, and will hopefully be able to locate the perfect specialised first time buyer mortgage.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
Re-mortgaging of a property is often a complicated and confusing process; we are able to use our wealth of expertise to assist people who are looking to re-mortgage their property in finding the correct financial product for their needs..
Re-mortgaging a property requires expert advice to ensure that you only take on a level of debt that you can comfortably afford, we are on hand to help you take stock of your current financial situation, and offer best advice upon just how much borrowing you can afford to take on, and how best to minimise the effects of meeting the repayments each and every month.
Moving home mortgage;
Moving house is an exciting time, and we’re here to make sure you find the right mortgage
Whether this is your first move or you’ve moved before, we can take the hassle out of finding the right mortgage for you.
Buy to Let
Looking to buy an investment property? Whether you are an experienced landlord or just thinking about getting into the property market we can guide & help you to find the most suitable mortgage for your investment.
If you are not familiar with how a Buy-To-Let mortgage works why not call us for a friendly chat for us to explain. Buy-To-Let mortgages are available (subject to status) with as little as a 15% deposit but generally a 25% deposit is required.
If you are an experienced landlord and wish to increase your property portfolio why not give us a call to see if we can help. We have many years experience of helping professional landlords to acquire lending on all sorts of properties including development finance, Houses with multiple Occupation, multi-dwellings and purchasing at auctions. We don’t just deal with the normal everyday Buy-To-Let lenders but banks and specialist lenders.
Some Buy to Let and HMO Mortgages are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Life & Critical Illness Cover
Protect not just your house but the ones you love.
Many of us take out insurance on new TV or washing machine, but fewer people insure what’s really important to them, their lifestyle and their family.
Could your family cope without your income?
How would a serious or critical illness impact on your lifestyle?
Life Cover
Life cover protects your dependants and loved ones against financial hardship by providing a lump sum in the event of your death during the term of the policy. This can be used to help pay off the mortgage or any other financial commitments or just saved for a rainy day.
Critical or Serious Illness Cover
This type of cover pays out a lump sum, within the term of the policy, if you are diagnosed with a specified critical illness or condition, such as some forms of Cancer, Heart Attack (of specified severity) and many more. You can use the benefit received in whatever way you wish such as to pay off your mortgage, pay towards medical expenses or go on holiday. There is usually the added benefit of your children receiving some cover under the policy free of charge.
Decreasing Term (Mortgage Protection) Assurance
Decreasing term cover is a form of policy where the sum assured reduces in line with your mortgage debt (providing that no part of the mortgage is on interest only and that the percentage rate of the loan has not gone above a specific rate set at the outset). So in the event of a policy holder dying if they have decreasing term life cover or being diagnosed with a specified critical illness if they have decreasing term critical illness cover it will pay out a lump sum sufficient to repay the mortgage.
Family Income Benefit
This is similar to life cover or critical illness cover but instead of it paying out a lump sum it will pay out a monthly tax free benefit to the beneficiaries until the end of the term of the policy. This is an efficient way of guarding against the lifestyle of the loved ones left behind. It will give you peace of mind knowing that there will be an income left behind for a specified number of years.
Most assurance policies can be written in trust. This will ensure that the people you intended become the beneficiaries, no lengthy waiting to receive any benefit and will help guard against sideways inheritance. We can explain how trusts work and write the policies into trust for you if you wish at no extra charge.
Trusts are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.